10 Things...

Faithstreet is one of the newer entries into the sites with articles about matters of faith. If you haven't explored their site, I commend it to you. Their posts include questions about hell from an atheist to the beauty and message of the Sistine Chapel - expansive to say the least.

When the editor asked if I'd contribute a post to the 10 Things series, I said, "Yes!" then spent a few weeks figuring out what were the 10 things I wish people knew about the Episcopal Church. Several friends on Facebook contributed their ideas, all good, but many skewed toward what Episcopalians wish other Episcopalians knew about the church. The audience of Faithstreet includes those who are not regular church attenders of any tradition or those of a more evangelical tradition.

So if you're interested in what my 10 Things are, or you're interested in knowing more about the Episcopal tradition (I realize the audience for this blog is not majority Episcopalian), check out the article. And explore the rest of FaithStreet.


Nate Bostian said…
Thanks for your essay on Faithstreet. I'm a priest who serves as chaplain at an Episcopal middle/high school, and I sent your essay out to all our faculty as a refresher on Episcopal identity. Great five minute summary and discussion starter.
e+ said…
I wonder why you don't address class in the Episcopal church, both as an evolving demographic and as an evolving aspect of our theology?
Anonymous said…
I'm only of the many people who have become Episcopalian (rather than being born to it). Your article did a wonderful job of pointing out many of the things that drew me to this tradition. I really liked how you explained our relationship to our texts and why it's OK if our interpretation of those texts change over time.
Anonymous said…
Great article. Are they planning on doing that for more denominations, do you know? I think it would be a great way to look at the similarities and differences, especially for folks who just see a mass of churches and get lost in that.

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